When choosing a health cash plan, you will want to be sure that it gives you everything it promises.

You will want to be sure that you are dealing with a stable, established company.

You will want to be sure that nothing is hidden and ‘what you see is what you get.’

At HSF health plan we like to think we give you all those things and more.

Founded in 1873, HSF health plan is the trading company of The Hospital Saturday Fund, a registered charity. In 2013 we celebrated our 140th anniversary. We are proud of our history and have never forgotten the founding principles on which we are based.
Because there are no shareholders to serve, profits made from the trading company are transferred to The Hospital Saturday Fund charity and grants made to medical charities, hospitals and hospices and to some individuals who suffer financial hardship because of ill health.
Our ethos combined with our highly competitive and generous range of health benefits make us the health plan of choice for around 2000 companies throughout the UK and Ireland.

We look forward to it being yours.

To find out how HSF health plan can help your employees and your company call 0818 451 451 or fill out the form below:

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