Tag: Summer
Remember just one thing “The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.” ― Henry Miller Amazing words, yet true. Mindfulness practice offers us the gifts of touch, taste, smell,…
Letting go in autumn As we look around us the autumnal shades are appearing and letting us know that we are entering autumn. Which if I am to be honest is my favourite time of year. Autumn always teaches me to let go with the…
The gift that keeps on giving Recent findings in Stanford university is that the practice of mindfulness is an act of self compassion for ourselves and others. The more we practice, the more we open to the moment – this moment which has never happened…
A soft glimpse of a smile When life seems to be going well—the sun is shining, things are happening on time, and we’re surrounded by friends—being kind to ourselves is often a piece of cake. Finally, we think, it’s all going my way! But…
Summertime and the breathing is easy I believe we can officially celebrate that we are now in summertime and nature is letting us know as we look around us. Trees in full foliage the darling buds of May blooming and the birdsong. What more…